


You are here to reach a higher form.

Alchemy is the process of transmutation, of transferring ordinary things into higher forms. It was believed that base elements could be changed into gold. And eventually led to the development of chemistry and pharmacology.  As time passed the old alchemist were dismissed as pseudoscientist, mixing and distilling their concoctions in their secret laboratories, with liquids bubbling and percolating in their alembics, hidden in dark arcane corners, slowly the fundament idea of alchemy faded. 

But it did not go away.  Alchemy happens everyday.  Sometimes in profound ways that change the world. Pieces of paper, essentially smashed up bits of wood pasted together in a mush, were altered into gold with the invention of paper currency, fiat. What an act of alchemy! Now the same thing is happening again, cryptocurrencies, merely a collection of electrical impulses coded into ones and zeros distributed across a cloud of computers, are altering the financial landscape. Simply an act of imagination and inspiration. Someone thought to make something into gold, and they did. As I write this a bitcoin is worth over 10,000 dollars with a market capitalization nearing 180 billion. That's a very large bag of gold!

We can also transform ourselves into higher forms, we can become better individuals, better managers, better partners, better athletes, healthier people. Sometimes it just requires a little alchemy! You have everything you need. The alembic of your imagination, ignited by your desire to improve, your choice. This is why you are here. 

The greatest athletes in the world turn to coaches and trainers to improve their performance. Objective and focused feedback, practice and strategy increases their options, trains their minds, provides flexibility and new alternatives.  They may be world class sprinters, weightlifters, dancers, or soccer players on the pitch playing the beautiful game, it does not matter. The relationship between the coach and athlete is fruitful and elicits the highest levels of performance. It is alchemy - it might be gold trophy, or gold ribbon, or the sense of accomplishment and improvement, it is all gold. It is all value.  

The same is true in any endeavor.  It could be management,  overcoming some obstacle, battling a demon, finding new approaches to an old problem. A coach, an objective, and strategic advocate can help you reach your goals, and transmute your dreams, unleash your inner alchemist. 

Welcome to the Alchemy club. We have a suite of professionals here, to help you on you journey, whatever it may be. To help you become the best version of yourself in any endeavor.  Friends, thank you for visiting.   Let’s make some gold!